Thursday, April 4, 2013

Extra-Toed Cats

     The Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West, Florida, is the perfect spot for fans of A Farewell to Arms and other Hemingway classics. People who are fascinated by poly-dactyl cats (those with extra toes) are also attracted to Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum. 

     The 45 six and seven toed cats now living in the house are said to descend from a cat that was a present to Ernest Hemingway, who died in 1961. The cats have been eating, getting weekly visits from a vet, lounging around the vast estate and have been pampered for generations. After a few years of legal wrangling, a court ruled that the Hemingway home requires a federal license to keep the cats as a part of an exhibit.The museum is very angry by the ruling and is considering appealing to the Supreme Court. Regulators haven't touched the cats, and the fans can still go and enjoy the house's different attractions."Hemingway gets you here the first time," says one women who likes to visit every year."But the cats keeps up coming back."  
     I have had a cat for a long time but I never knew that there were cats that had six toes or even seven toes. I find that it is very interesting that there is was a museum for the cats too. I feel and believe what the government is doing is wrong. I also believe that the government does not have the right to have it a requirement to have a federal license to "show" their cats in an "exhibit" .The article said, "The 45 six-and seven- toed cats now living in the house are said to descend from a cat that was a gift to Hemingway." If the cats belong to the family, why must they have a license to show the cats to everyone? I do not think you could call this a "museum" where people would come see unique animals, I find that it is a house and a family who let people in and let them see their special cats. The Hemingway's had the right idea about appealing to the Supreme Court. I truly hope the the Supreme Court justices will realize that they do not need a license to show the cats because the cats belong to the Hemingway's. Will they have to get a license? Will the Hemingway's ever sell one of their cats? Do people have to pay to see the cats?

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